"Jobs To Be Done" (JTBD) is a framework for understanding the context (situation and circumstances) in which a user experiences a specific need (job) and the outcomes they aim to achieve. Instead of focusing on user characteristics (e.g., personas or demographics), JTBD emphasizes the broader goals and motivations that drive behavior. Users 'hire' a product or service to help them complete a job and achieve their desired outcomes (in short: to get a job done).
This approach uncovers underserved needs, implicit motivations, and the reasons users prefer one solution over another. By focusing on jobs and the underlying needs rather than specific features, JTBD encourages innovation and helps teams identify better ways to solve problems. While JTBD and personas serve different purposes, they complement each other: JTBD highlights what users need to accomplish, while personas contextualize who the users are. Together, they provide a robust foundation for designing solutions that effectively address user needs.
Understanding which jobs are relevant to users is crucial, as features are merely one possible solution to a problem. Focusing on the job helps uncover alternative approaches that may solve the problem more effectively."
Job Story
Gained insights can be represented in job stories:
"When [situation], I want to [motivation], so that I [expected outcome]".
More information
Many helpful, sometimes controversial and detailed information can be found in the linked sources.
There's also a useful step-by-step description in the TiSDD method library which is an additional PDF (free download) to the book "This is Service Design Doing" (TiSDD). The steps below are a modified version of this based on own insights and experiences.
Find out how applying the "Customer-Centric Value Creation" framework with a Jobs-To-Be-Done Mindset can help generate and utilize helpful data to find and develop the right solutions and continuously create value for customers.
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